A safe space exists differently for everyone. For some of us, it is the pages of a journal where we unload our unfiltered thoughts and emotions. How can you create a safe space within your journal? Let us walk you through it.


Acknowledge Your Feelings

(Un) Lost, a song by The Maine

Confronting your feelings can be intimidating regardless of how bold or timid they are. Just know that emotions are reactions to your situation and you are not wrong to experience them.


However, keep in mind that your actions in response to those feelings do have consequences. So acknowledge your feelings, write your experience out in the journal and then read it over.


Ask Thoughtful Questions

Explore your thoughts in the privacy of your notebook


The next step is to dig deep. Sometimes we get lost in our emotions and thoughts that we lose sight of what really matters.


By dissecting ourselves, things become less confusing and you become more sure of yourself. After the big emotional write out earlier, it’s time to center yourself by asking questions like:


• What am I feeling right now?

• Why am I feeling this way?

• How are these thoughts affecting me?


Remember that these questions don’t have to be specific, nor do your answers. You can always come back to them and add on with sticky notes or write in the margins. The point is to clarify your thoughts at your own pace.


Track Your Moods

Turn your sketchbook into a personal journal

After all of that, you are more likely to be clearer in the head. The final step is to track your moods, before and after the journal entry.


This way, you can look back and have an idea of how well the journal is working for you just by giving it a quick look. You can even try colour coding your moods or use stickers to make it more efficient but also to spice up your entries.


Get to know yourself like you would a stranger 

Sometimes we just need a safe space to be vulnerable in and by writing down your feelings in a non-judgmental, private and creative space like a journal, it just becomes a tad easier, is all.


How do you make your journal work as a safe space for you? Comment below or tag us @mosseryco on Instagram and let’s trade tips and tricks to make our safe spaces even better.


Special thanks to @giralka for her art!


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